Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jackson Lancing!!

This is Jackson Lancing.
Proud Parents are Luke and Julie
He was born September 8, 2010
8 lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long
He is the most precious little man I've met. I was so lucky to get to go visit and stay with them. Mom and Dad are doing great, they were a tad tired, but everyone is healthy and well. I am so exctied to get to see them again when they come to Tulsa before they move to Alaska! Enjoy the pictures! They are from the hospital and then when he came home Saturday for game day.


Kelly Rae said...

So there are no comments on the pictures because when I uploaded, they showed up as the superduper long link the web only knows what it says. Does anyone know how to get it back to normal so when you are writing the post you can actually see the pictures too? But, with all the said. Jackson doesn't need any comments, I think they all speak for himself...Perfect!

Marisa said...

What a sweet little pokes fan!! Jackson is seriously adorable, and loving that he is a Cowboy in the heart of Texas!