Thursday, December 9, 2010

Funny Work Story....

Just thought this was a funny story from work....Working in the psychiatric field for so long can kinda harden your heart...well at least it has me in some ways, just so I can deal with the trauma that my kiddos go through.   Like I've said before, they have already been through SO much more in their tiny little lives than I have gone through in my almost 30 years.  When I first started, I had so many funny stories, but now those stories just seem like the 'norm' for me and I don't realize they are so funny.  But today, I literally laughed out loud. Working in the hospital, it can immediatley get the negative connotation of 'working with the crazies'.  We really stay away from that and try not to really make the pateint feel that way.
So background on today...
For my group, I did Feelings Shot...where they act out certain feelings while shooting the ball.  The other kiddos have to guess what they are acting out.  So then we talked about the different feelings we have and what makes us feel that way.  We also talked about sometimes there are times people act out a feeling in the same way as another crying...they said the person would be sad, then we said sometimes there are tears of joy...
Me:  What feeling do you think of if you saw someone jumping up and down waving their arms all around?
Kiddos: Happy! Excited! Ecstatic!
Me:  What about if that person was jumping up and down waving their arms all around on the side of the road?
Kiddos-Stumped and confused look on their face-one boy finally says: ....Crazy?

I couldn't help myself just bust out laughing and agreed it could be that way, but I was really going for scared or needing help. 

So there's my funny story.

1 comment:

Abby said...

I think crazy is a great answer!!!